Sankalpa Meditation Cushions

Sankalpa Meditation Cushions are beautifully handcrafted, unique and made in South Africa. Designed with comfort in mind, the special shape is one-of-a kind and has many great benefits to assist with your meditation journey.

Uniquely Designed Features

The raised back end support of the cushion is uniquely shaped to comfortably provide gentle lower back support and thereby allowing for an extended meditating session.

 Meditation Posture



Suitable for Various Meditation Positions

Finding a comfortable meditation position is often a challenge when one starts out.  Not being able to find physical comfort can be a deterrent for many people.  These are a few ways you can use our meditation cushions:

Lotus (Cross-legged)

  • Opens the hips & stretches ankles & knees
  • Calms the brain
  • Eases sciatica
  • Keeps joints and ligaments flexible
  • Increases awareness & attentiveness

Seiza (Kneeling)

  • Trains core muscles
  • Helps remedy slouching posture
  • Relieves lower back pain & stiff shoulders
  • Improves circulation across body
  • Aids digestion

Shavasana (Lying Down)

  • Brings body to a meditative state
  • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress
  • Reduces headaches, fatigue & insomnia
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Increases levels of energy