
The Health Benefits of Meditation


The health benefits of meditation are many, from physical benefits like improving tolerance to pain, to mental health benefits that help achieve better focus, concentration, lower levels of stress and anxiety.  Meditation can transform nearly every area of your life.

These are some of the benefits:

  • Reduces stress
  • Increases your sense of well-being
  • Increases your sense of connectedness and empathy
  • Improves focus
  • Improves relationships
  • Makes you more creative
  • Improves memory
  • Improves your ability to make decisions
  • Helps overcome addictions
  • Enhances your immune system
  • Helps you find “flow”
  • Reduces physical and emotional pain

Mindfulness and Meditation for Children


There has been a growing interest in teaching the practice of mindfulness and meditation to children for many years; of teaching children that it is as important to take care of their minds as it is to take care of their bodies.

Parents and teachers alike are recognizing the benefits of including mindfulness into daily routines.  That introducing young children to meditation from an early age, can help them:

  • get into healthy sleep patterns
  • learn to manage stress
  • encourage creativity
  • learn better focus & attention
  • calm their minds
  • improve their mood
  • begin to connect their mind and body and assist in overall well-being

These are life skills, coping mechanisms that can be used for the rest of their lives.

Simply teaching children how to stop, focus, and just breathe could be one of the greatest gifts you give them.

“If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation” - Dalai Lama